Laser Techniques Company

We primarily serve the defense, aerospace and energy industries, providing standard products and custom systems for a wide variety of applications. Whether it's for manufacturing quality control or non-destructive testing, our non-contact, laser-based measurement and inspection systems provide accurate and quantitative results that allow our customers to improve production efficiency and ensure the safe operation of their products and systems.
LTC News
LTC Teams with Chesapeake Testing
LTC Publishes Article on Stator Inspection
LTC Exhibits at Eurosatory 2014
LTC Releases Heavy Duty Support Stand
LTC Recognized by Seattle Business Magazine
Laser Techniques a GSA Contract Holder
Laser Techniques Saves the World!
LTC and Mandus Group Collaborate to Provide Laser-Based Artillery Gun Tube Inspections
LTC Releases BEMIS-MC™ Portable, Laser-based Gun Bore Erosion Measurement and Inspection System