Special Applications

Laser Techniques Company (LTC) specializes in the development of automated, high-resolution laser-based measurement and inspection systems.
We primarily serve the defense, aerospace and energy industries, providing standard products and custom systems for a wide variety of applications. Whether it's for manufacturing quality control or non-destructive testing, our non-contact, laser-based measurement and inspection systems provide accurate and quantitative results that allow our customers to improve production efficiency and ensure the safe operation of their products and systems.
Product Development Process
Because of the unique nature of our technology and core technical skills, LTC is often approached regarding new applications. We work with clients to confirm the applicability of our tool set to the application and, if it looks like a good fit, we move forward with a structured plan to adapt our system to the application. Many of our new applications can be supported by standard LTC products such as our stock sensors, LP-5000™or the LP-6000™field-grade data acquisition instruments and our sensor delivery units.
In most cases we follow the following process:

- Initial technical discussion – LTC technical staff discusses the application with the client and determines initial feasibility.
- Proof-of-Concept Demonstration – This is a funded study in which the client provides a test sample to LTC for evaluation in our laboratory. A brief report is provided to the client summarizing the results of the POC demonstration.
- First generation prototype sensor – Based upon the success of the POC demonstration, a quotation will be provided for the design and manufacture of a first-generation prototype sensor. This device is normally tested and demonstrated using existing LTC instrumentation. This task is typically concluded with an in-house demonstration for the client.
- Full system development – Once the prototype sensor has been successfully demonstrated under laboratory conditions, the client will be provided a quotation for a full, turn-key system.

This phased and structured approach allows our clients to cost-effectively evaluate the adaptation of our technology to their applications. Examples of custom systems that have been developed under this approach include:
- Automated System for Mapping Micro-Pitting on Gas Generators for Space Shuttle Auxiliary Power Units
- Laser Mapping System for Mud Pump Stators
- Laser Mapping System for NASA and USAF Hall Thrusters
- Laser Mapping System for Rail Gun Components
- Laser Measurement System for Steam Generator Tube Sheet Holes
- Laser FPI System for Crack Detection in Gas Generators for Space Shuttle
Auxiliary Power Units
- Laser Measurement System for Clevis Holes in Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster Components