Laser/Eddy Current Inspection of Tubes
The Problem:
Laser profiling sensors are well suited for detecting and measuring surface features, such as topography, roughness, discoloration and surface-breaking cracks. They cannot, however, detect sub-surface features, such as inclusions or the presence of external support plates.
The Solution:
LTC has developed several laser-based surface profiling and laser-scanned penetrant inspection (LSPI™) sensors that also include integrated eddy current (EC) sensors. In some cases, the EC sensor (bobbin coil) is used for the detection of features such as external support plates or weldments. In other cases, LTC has integrated single-point, rotary eddy current sensors for the detection of features such as subsurface cracks. By combining the technologies of laser-based profiling and eddy current flaw detection, virtually 100% of the tube volume can be interrogated in a single scan - locating and mapping ID, OD and subsurface flaws.