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Bore Erosion Measurement and Inspection Systems (BEMIS™)

Product Caliber Bore (in mm) Stationary or Portable?
BEMIS-SC™ small 5.56 - 12.7 Stationary
BEMIS-MC™ medium 12.7 - 76 Both
BEMIS-T™ mortars/tubes 60 - 120 Stationary
BEMIS 105/120/155™ Large 105/120/155 Both

LTC's BEMIS™ Bore Inspection System supported by our LaserViewer™ data acquisition and analysis software provides a superior alternative to conventional gauges. Our laser profiling sensors have significantly larger measurement ranges than air gauges and star gauges, can rapidly scan the entire gun tube surface in a non-contact manner, generating a high-resolution, three-dimensional image that is quantitative and accurate.

These laser sensors project a tiny laser beam onto the part surface and can acquire thousands of samples per scan. Data can be evaluated using our LaserViewer™ analysis software or our LaserViewer 3D™ visualization and analysis software. Test results can also be automatically post-processed and displayed in a tabular summary report.

Bore mapping results are provided in several operator-friendly formats, including:

  • Contour view display of the full bore length
  • Cross sectional display of the bore at any axial location
  • 3D Image
  • Tabular summary

Key advantages of laser mapping include:

  • Non-contact measurement
  • Automated data acquisition
  • Interchangeable sensors
  • Full-featured analysis and reporting functions
  • Quick changeover to new barrels
  • Complete surface characterization
  • Full-length bore mapping
  • Photograph-quality bore and chamber image using LaserVideo™ imaging